My friend, Ron Barker, tells me that 1,000 Southern Baptist Churches die every year. The tragedy is that most of these church deaths could be avoided IF the leadership (particularly LAY leaders) in these churches recognized the danger signs and took some preemptive action to get healthy and stay healthy.
What are some of the danger signs that indicate declining health and potential death?
1) Clinging to the Comfortable - We have become accustomed to comfort in our churches and resist the adventurous work of the Holy Spirit. We cling to homes that are more house than we need, we cling to cars that are far more expensive than we need, we cling to status symbols, to church buildings, to racial/cultural stereotypes to the point that we make Nehustans of them. (This was the bronze serpent used at God's instruction by Moses to save the Israelites from the fiery serpents. Numbers 21:5-9 and 2 Kings 18:4) Our comfort has become our idol.
2) Creating a "Church Culture" rather than Developing Disciples - Jesus' Great Commission to ALL who would follow Him is to "make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you . . ." Matthew 28:19-20. We've attained excellence at indoctrinating people into a church culture that is self-protective and self-serving more often than risking all to share the gospel. If Jesus had approached the cross with the same fortitude that most of our churches approach the Great Commission, he would have retreated into the wilderness like a spiritual "Robin Hood and hoped for a good outcome." If being the church means anything, it means going out, telling The Truth, baptizing new believers, teaching them biblical principles, and deploying them as missionaries.
3) Exacting Religious Traditions rather then Enhancing Biblical Community - Very few churches that I know have written core values, but all of them have core values. These unwritten and often unbiblical core values often create conflict and, in staff to congregation relationships, can create suspicion and ill-feelings. Many years ago, in the first church I pastored, there was a large family Bible on the pulpit that made it difficult to place and follow my 5.5x8.5 manuscript. One Sunday morning, I simply moved the Bible and placed on a platform chair. There was a called deacons' meeting afterward and I was told that no one heard anything I said after that because "everyone" was upset with my actions. It was an unwritten core value and my ignorance was no excuse. That was my first strike. If that happens to pastors, imagine what it's like for someone who is not familiar with church culture and religious traditions. From meeting times to music to what most consider "missions," we've let our preference for traditions overpower our responsibility to be a biblical community.
4) Failure to Re-Dream - Sometimes when I visit churches, I feel like I'm walking into the movie "Pleasantville." Everything should be in black and white because so much of what is being done hearkens back 30, 40, even 50 years. One church I visited in the late 1990s even had their classrooms labeled as beginners, primaries, juniors and intermediates. For those of you who are Southern Baptist, you know how dated that is. To me, it clearly illustrated that most of these churches were trying to continue pursuing a dream (vision) that had died long ago. How can we who serve a forward-looking God constantly be looking back at the way things were? We need to be in the here and now because this is where God has placed us. Churches need to re-dream often, at least every five years or so. As rapidly as our culture changes, the dream/vision should probably be revisited every 2-3 years, because when we get stuck in the past, we cannot effectively connect with and win the present culture.
This is not an exhaustive list. It's just a few of the fried foods, sugars, and hydrogenated fats that we continue to ingest. And guess what?? It's killing 1000 churches a year.